So two weeks ago was my wedding anniversary, and I thought it in bad form to leave my wife with both kids while I went to train and she didn't. The week after that I was feeling a little under the weather and the baby was having some issues, so I bailed again.
I was worried coming back after two weeks off. After all I had only been on for two weeks - so I was worried that I'd have a total regression. I'm happy to say that I did not have a total regression, I actually felt like I didn't miss a beat.
We did a mix of everything tonight, which was great - a little bit of technique, some sparring, some bag work, some prearranged and some forms. It was a great all around work out.
There's not a lot to report now and I didn't have any kind of epiphany besides being happy to finally be feeling like I can get through an hour class without passing out or throwing up. Baby steps I guess, but three classes is all it took. Granted, though I wasn't training hard or frequently - I was training the whole time. I always find time to do some forms during the week. Still, if I can go from completely out of active TKD shape, to feeling like "it's going to be ok" in just three classes (over 5 weeks) - I'm sure you guys can do the same. Those of you that stepped away, and are on the fence about coming back. Take the plunge. It's only hard for the first couple of weeks. If you are worried about not remembering things, come to Tuesday class and I'll work with you until you feel good enough to go on Mon-Wed.
This will likely be my last weekly post - unless something pops in my head to write about. I'm not back yet, not mentally and certainly not physically, but I'm getting there. That's a fantastic feeling and I'll take it.
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