Oh hi! So I'm going to change gears a bit on the site, and the next few posts might not be very interesting for some. I'm training for my 6th dan test - which is tentatively scheduled for the Spring of 17. I say tentatively because I go on vacation in April, when the test is likely to be, and as I fly, and the people I travel with must pick their time off months in advance, I'm stuck and if the test gets scheduled while I'm on vacation - well, it's another 6 month wait. I'm not worried or bothered by this, as it is something that just is. I could just as easily get hurt or have some other reason sideline me, no sense worrying about things you can't control.
So I thought, perhaps instead of hard core analysis which I am pretty burned out about (obviously, since it's been a long time since my last post) and because my "serious" writing is focusing on the book I am currently writing; I thought I'd make the next few blog posts and actual blog of a specific topic in particular, and one I hope many of my readers will take to heart, because many of my readers, don't train anymore.
I'm going to write about my experiences training after not training hard for a very long period of time. My hope is that my insight might just convince some people to come back to the art, because there are some very good people out there that I know loved it, but life happened, and the thought of going back can be intimidating to say the least.
So I'm going to be bloggy for a while. I'll talk about my emotions and stuff, and try to just flex a different style of writing and relating, that will hopefully not explode on the launch pad. I haven't written consistently like this since my like 2nd attempt at college (I finally beat the college level on my 3rd try in my 30s - don't recommend it, unless you know you are in your 30s and want a degree, at which time I highly recommend it, but I digress...)
So - as I plan on training every Monday night in our adult class from 7:10 to 8:10 or as long as you want to stay after, I figured I'd write about what it is like to come back, my observations and insights.
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