Hello, if you stumbled on to this page I welcome you to what I hope will be a valuable source of analytical TaeKwon-Do from a fifth degree black belt with 20 years of experience as a practitioner, and teacher.
I haven't "blogged" since the early 2000s when there was no such thing as a blogosphere. It was a time when blogs were for angsty college kids and their often time inane ramblings. I'm not sure how things work quite yet, but wanted to get proverbial pen to paper as soon as possible.
I'm going to try to keep this blog very analytical, because at this stage of my TKD career, analysis in many facets are what keep me going and keep me smiling. I'm going to do my best to check my opinion at the door when I write. This will be hard, as I am very opinionated. I encourage you to do the same if you comment.
If there are comments (I'm assuming there is, you can comment on everything in today's internet). I'm going to lay some ground rules.
I will delete any comments made about "McDojos, take my dogh, or any other derogatory terms towards any arts. I'm of the opinion that all arts are beautiful and not every aspect of every art has to be about practical street defense. You can disagree with me about these aspects spiritually but on my blog any posts in these regards will be cleansed as soon as I see them. As I work with computers it's likely to be quickly.
I will also come down hard on any WTF vs ITF postings. I am not concerned with an argument over which TKD is the best TKD. However, I am very much so interested in the analytical differences between the two though, so assuming you mind your manners and construct your comments thoughtfully I'll allow certain WTF vs ITF musings.
I'd like to explore a wide range of topics on this blog, both big picture and little picture. Some of my first ideas for posts include analyzing form movements, analyzing the differences and similarities between styles and looking at technique execution. I have other ideas and hopefully, if anyone reads this and comments I'll be able to make posts based on consensus or topic of comments.
Enjoy! TKD has been, aside from my family, the love of my life for a long time. I hope that by reading this you'll love your art, or the arts in general a little more.
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