Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Points of Wisdom from All Valley

Greetings my appreciated readers.  Today is a wonderful day, because today I get to share with you the wisdom of an old colleague.  Today's post is being guest written by Master John Kreese. 

First and foremost, cut off the sleeves on your uniforms, you want your students to see your guns.  

The most important lesson I must share with you is that here, in the streets, in competition, a man confronts you, he is the enemy and deserves no mercy.  Mercy is for the weak and we don't train to be merciful here. 

We practice the way of the foot here - STRIKE FIRST, STRIKE HARD, NO MERCY

When in competition always remember the JK method of point fighting.  First you win a point, and then you lose a point.  Keep the match at zero to zero - pulverize your opponent for a full two minutes, then in sudden death, score the point, and win the match.  Make your opponent suffer; and then suffer some more.  

Never hesitate to instruct a lower level student to injure the other team's best player - and always, always sweep the leg.  

This post has been brought to you by Master John Kreese, owner of the Cobra Kai karate studio in Reseda CA. 

This post has also been brought to you by April Fool's day. 


  1. Yes! This is exactly the information I need to win the All Valley Tournament. Nice change from the philosophy and analysis.
